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Rail & Square Bars

Rails & Square Bar : 

EOT Crane Runs on Two Side Structures called Gantry Girders. These Gantry Girders are fitted with Rails. 

Rail fitted Gantries are Called Crane Runways. 

Rails are either Crane Rails or M S Square Bars or M S Polished Rectangular Bars.

M S Square Bars are available in two forms : M S Rough or M S Polished Bright Bars. Now a days using M S Bright Bars in Square Form instead of M S Rough Bars is in trending. Rough Bars are more prone for wearing in shorter time where as M S Bright Bars are Hardened during Polishing Operation.

M S Polished Rectangular Bars are specially designed sections for using as Crane Rail. Trend using this sections is also Prevailing in Industry. 

Crane Rails are Rail Sections of different sizes having one shape. Sizes are defined on their weight. They are 30 lbs, 45 lbs, 60 lbs, 75 lbs, 90 lbs and 120 lbs. Crane Rails are fitted on Gantry by mean of Rail Clamps and Hardware and not by Welding Joints.

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